Project showcase With six products across more than 12 sectors, there’s much to be inspired by PRODUCTeuroBLADEALLeuroBLADEeuroCSCeuroHUSHeuroSHAPEeuroSPLINEeuroTEXSECTORALLCommercialEducationHealthHospitalityRetailANZBuildcorp QLDMeriton, Carter St1 & 3 Thomas Holt465 Victoria AveDee Why RSL BistroACS BarangarooSt Leonards Health OrganisationsBrothers Leagues Club20 Hunter StAFP Brisbane, Melbourne & PerthCBRE MelbourneWestmead Hospital RedevelopmentAustralian Catholic University60 Union StANZ Royal Melbourne111 Pacific HwyMooresICC SydneyAustralia Post Retail105 Phillip StHeinemann Duty FreeWestfield’s MirandaSuncorp SydneyQT Bondi Porte CochereVibe Darling HarbourGarminNineWestpac BarangarooWilson ParkingSuncorp Concept StoreACS Melbourne