Brothers Leagues Club Project: Brothers Leagues Club, Ipswich Client: Brothers Leagues Club, Rohrig Architect: BSPN Architecture Products: euroBLADE BSPN sought out our advice on what systems were available to them to achieve their design intent for a wave-blade...
111 Pacific Highway Project: 111 Pacific Highway,North Sydney Client: Investa Architect: Gray Puksand Products: euroBLADE Gray Puksand transformed the lobby to this building in North Sydney to fabulous effect by using our euroBLADE product, fabricated in Laminex...
ACS Barangaroo Project: ACS Barangaroo Client: Australian Computer Society,MPA Projects Architect: WMK Architecture Products: euroBLADE Our custom euroBLADE was used to dramatic, and deliberate effect, by WMK Architecture in their design for this entry lobby ceiling,...
Wilson Parking Project: Wilson Parking Client: Wilson Parking Architect: Carr Products: euroBLADE S1 and euroBLADE S2 Wilson Parking and the head contractor engaged europanel early in the project program to help find solutions to supply and install the architect’s...
Meriton, Carter St Project: Meriton, Carter St Client: Meriton Architect: Meriton Products: euroBLADE and euroCSC europanel collaborated with the Meriton design team to incorporate both S1 and S2 euroBLADE profiles into the curved walls of the lobby of their new...