Buildcorp QLD
Buildcorp, QLD
Buildcorp, QLD
euroHUSH and euroBLADE
Buildcorp took an asbestos riddled, heavily partitioned 520sqm upper floor space in a rundown 70s building with an iron clad roof and transformed the interior into a flexible work place with a warehouse aesthetic through the use of recycled timbers, low level lighting, acoustic euroBLADE ceilings installed above polished timber floors, custom designed euroHUSH panels in all meeting rooms that fully opened up to form one large entertainment space.
There are many benefits in europanel producing shop drawings on every project because when the iron clad roof sprung a leak and the plasterboard ceilings and some of the euroBLADE panels were water damaged, it was simply a matter of identifying the area with the damaged panels which were then remanufactured resulting in a simple replacement.